The title says it all really. Having never really managed to maintain a blog this might be a bit of a foolhardy venture (especially when I'm trying to finish a PhD, but that's another very long and probably rather dull story). On the other hand, it does give me something else to think about.
So, in light of the knowledge that I have enough being painted, and in the queue, to provide material for at least, oh, three or four posts, maybe more if I string them out a bit, I shall give this another go. I should add that this is entirely motivated by the great blogs many of the inhabitants of the Lead Adventure Forum have, though I doubt it will be up to those standards. Still, having been on the LAF for just over a year (and subsequently spending far too much time on there when I should be doing other things), I'll give it a go!
By way of a teaser, in line for posts are - a lot of Tekumel figures I was lucky enough to acquire through the extremely generous giveaway on the LAF the other week, so I shall post in-progress painting pics of those; various VSF figures for In Her Majesty's Name, picked up at Salute and actually nearly finished(!); Muscovites for By Fire and Sword, acquired at Salute and waiting to be painted, and anything else I think of. I have a vague idea I might build an airship. Not a real one, a 28mm VSF one for IHMN. I also have various other older projects I could photograph in case of a slow week.
Oh. It all sounds so optimistic doesn't it?
Unless you are trying to monetize the blog, post what you want when you want and don't get too tied up in page views. Infrequent good content is preferable to a constant stream of crap.