Friday, 22 November 2013

Qol, Finished!

In a turn of events very rare for me, I've actually finished a set of painting! More of the lovely Tekumel figures, here are the other half of the Qol characters and some with various polearms, and the Qol Palanquin set.

The Palanquin is a great set; once I'd got hold of a working drill to go through their hands it didn't take too long to paint up. The general idea I had for the model was of an old road through marshy ground - the Army Painter tufts came in very hand for this.

Had a spot of bother getting the figures to sit right on the base, but I think it turned out quite well. The bases of the bearers are still mostly visible - my plan to blend them into the flagstones didn't really come off, but still, I'm pleased with the overall look of the model.

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